Crip Spacetime

When I first came across the title of Margaret Price's book, Crip Spacetime: Access, Failure, and Accountability in Academic Life, I loved it because I believe crips belong in space even though this book is about a different kind of space. Published by Duke University Press, I'm happy to offer five paperback copies of Crip Spacetime. The book will be available open-access after publication date. Details below.

About the book
"In Crip Spacetime, Margaret Price intervenes in the competitive, productivity-focused realm of academia by sharing the everyday experiences of disabled academics. Drawing on more than three hundred interviews and survey responses, Price demonstrates that individual accommodations—the primary way universities address accessibility—actually impede access rather than enhance it. She argues that the pains and injustices encountered by academia’s disabled workers result in their living and working in realities different from nondisabled colleagues: a unique experience of space, time, and being that Price theorizes as “crip spacetime.” She explores how disability factors into the exclusionary practices found in universities, with multiply marginalized academics facing the greatest harms. Highlighting the knowledge that disabled academics already possess about how to achieve sustainable forms of access, Price boldly calls for the university to move away from individualized models of accommodation and toward a new system of collective accountability and care."

About the author
Margaret Price is Associate Professor of English at the Ohio State University and author of Mad at School: Rhetorics of Mental Disability and Academic Life.
1) Any disabled person in the US or Canada is eligible to receive a paperback. You do not need to disclose any details about your disability.
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Please note: I will send this information along with your email address to the author. She is responsible for confirming your details and sending you the book. Please be patient!
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