Upcoming book events

Hello friends! I received a comment from someone who receives this newsletter asking why it’s so self-promotional. Hmmm, maybe it’s because this is part of the work when one has a book out? I wrestle with this too because it can seem incredibly obnoxious. I do plan to include other content in future posts so hang in there or feel free to unsubscribe! For something not related to my book, this July I published #ADA30InColor, a series of essays by disabled people of color for the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Check out all of these amazing essays including an audio and plain language version: https://disabilityvisibilityproject.com/ada30/

[Image description: book display in front of Women & Children First, an independent bookstore in Chicago showing two shelves of books about disability with DISABILITY in the middle on the lower shelf, “I am not a label,” on the right, and “The disability rights movement” on the left.]
Here are links to three upcoming online book events this August-September. You can find the latest events on my website: https://disabilityvisibilityproject.com/book/
August 18, 2020, 8-9 pm Eastern
Disability Visibility: Alice Wong and Maysoon Zayid
Alice Wong is joined by comedian and fellow activist Maysoon Zayid to share their own personal stories and reflect on the myriad others contained within the collection.
ASL interpretation and real-time captioning will be provided. For any questions, please email publicprograms@nypl.org
Register: https://www.showclix.com/event/disabilityvisibility
August 20, 2020, 7 pm Eastern
Youth from the Disability Justice Network of Ontario will be facilitating an online conversation with Alice Wong and Leah Lakshmi to talk about Alice’s new book, Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the 21st Century. This conversation will take place on Zoom, and will be about an hour. The audience will have a chance to ask questions at the end of the facilitated discussion.
– CART (Communication Access Real-Time Translation) captioning will be available for the full duration of this event
– ASL (American Sign Language) Interpretation will be available for the full duration of this event
– All attendees will be required to turn off their sound and video (unless they are speaking during the question and answer period) to ensure that the speakers and ASL interpreter are on screen.
– This event will be recorded and posted to DJNO’s Facebook and website with captioning.
– This event is free to attend.
September 9, 2020, 7:30 pm Pacific
Alice Wong with Elsa Sjunneson (livestream)
Disability Visibility in the Twenty-First Century
Town Hall Seattle
Register: https://townhallseattle.org/event/alice-wong-with-elsa-sjunneson-livestream/
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