Tiger Talks
2 upcoming online book events for Year of the Tiger: An Activist's Life

Hello friends! I haven’t posted much this summer because I had a major health crisis and am still recovering. One thing that kept me going is the launch of my debut memoir on September 6th, Year of the Tiger: An Activist's Life.
Since we are still in the middle of a pandemic, I partnered with the Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability and Sandy Ho of the Disability and Intersectionality Summit in TIGER TALKS, a series of online book events this fall. Below are the first two events. Books will be given away to 20 attendees at each event!
As I am still resting and healing, I will not be participating but am thrilled to have so many amazing writers, activists, and organizers involved.
Meow for now, my friends.
September 7, 4 pm Pacific. Register: tinyurl.com/TigerTalkSept7

October 12, 4 pm Pacific. Register: tinyurl.com/TigerTalkOctober12

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