The messiness of care

Hey everyone! Care has been heavily on my mind this summer—the politics of it and the entanglements within the self, community, and institutions. I am delighted to offer 5 free copies of Dr. Akemi Nishida’s Just Care: Messy Entanglements of Disability, Dependency, and Desire available now from Temple University Press.

About the book
Just Care is Akemi Nishida’s thoughtful examination of care injustice and social justice enabled through care. The current neoliberal political economy has turned care into a business opportunity for the healthcare industrial complex and a mechanism of social oppression and control. Nishida analyzes the challenges people negotiate whether they are situated as caregivers, receivers, or both. Also illuminated is how people with disabilities come together to assemble community care collectives and bed activism (resistance and visions emerging from the space of bed) to reimagine care as a key element for social change.
The structure of care, Nishida writes, is deeply embedded in and embodies the cruel social order—based on disability, race, gender, migration status, and wealth—that determines who survives or deteriorates. Simultaneously, many marginalized communities treat care as the foundation of activism. Using interviews, focus groups, and participant observation with care workers and people with disabilities, Just Care looks into lives unfolding in the assemblage of Medicaid long-term care programs, community-based care collectives, and bed activism. Just Care identifies what care does, and asks: How can we activate care justice or just care where people feel cared affirmatively and care being used for the wellbeing of community and for just world making?”
About the author

Akemi Nishida is an Assistant Professor of Disability and Human Development and Gender and Women's Studies at the University of Illinois Chicago. She is the coeditor of Occupying Disability: Critical Approaches to Community, Justice, and Decolonizing Disability.
1) Any disabled person in the US is eligible for this giveaway. You do not need to disclose any details about your disability.
If you already received a book from one of my previous giveaways, please consider letting other people have a chance.
2) The first 5 people will receive a paperback, hardcover, or e-book. If you do not receive a reply that means the books have been claimed or you did not include all the required information.
3) Send an email to with ‘Akemi Nishida Book Giveaway’ in the title of the message. Do not reply to this post!!
4) Include the following information in your message:
- First and last name
- Mailing address
- Format (one only): paperback, hardcover, or e-book
Please note: I will send this information along with your email address to the publisher. They are responsible for confirming your details and sending you the book. I have no idea when they will reply so please be patient!
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