3 min read

Overthinking About You by Allison Raskin

You thinking about me? Or are you overthinking about me?
Overthinking About You by Allison Raskin

Ooof. Romance. Relationships. Feeeelings. So many overwhelming things. Today’s book giveaway is for 5 paperback copies of Overthinking About You: Navigating Romantic Relationships When You Have Anxiety, OCD, and/or Depression by Allison Raskin available now from Workman Publishing.

Yellow cover with light pink box letters spelling “Overthinking About You: Navigating Romantic Relationships when you have Anxiety, OCD, and/or Depression by Allison Raskin, New York Times Bestselling Atuhor” A the top of the image there is a quote reading “Allison Raskin is a warm hug in the world of mental health. She reminds us that this life is meant to be enjoyed and to never give up on love because we all are more than deserving of it. This book is going to save relationships!" --Kelsey Darragh, author of Don'​t F*cking Panic: The Shit They Don't Tell You in Therapy About Anxiety Disorder, Panic Attacks, and Depression”
Yellow cover with light pink box letters spelling “Overthinking About You: Navigating Romantic Relationships when you have Anxiety, OCD, and/or Depression by Allison Raskin, New York Times Bestselling Atuhor” A the top of the image there is a quote reading “Allison Raskin is a warm hug in the world of mental health. She reminds us that this life is meant to be enjoyed and to never give up on love because we all are more than deserving of it. This book is going to save relationships!" --Kelsey Darragh, author of Don'​t F*cking Panic: The Shit They Don't Tell You in Therapy About Anxiety Disorder, Panic Attacks, and Depression”

About the book

Dating is hard. But pursuing love and relationships when you live with mental illness can be even more overwhelming.

Allison Raskin knows this challenge firsthand and shares her journey with perfect candor. She’s learned from her experiences, and we get to learn from her, discovering new ways to form healthy dating and relationship habits. How do you talk to a partner about your mental health? What is the potential impact of SSRIs on your body? What is the difference between having valid concerns and catastrophizing? It’s all here, from meeting online to how to handle a breakup, from recognizing and avoiding unhealthy relationships to the big one—sex.

Woven in throughout are interviews with clinical psychologists, a psychiatrist, a sexologist, relationship experts, and real-life couples for their points of view and professional guidance. All to help you walk away from this book feeling less alone in the struggle and better prepared to tackle dating and relationships with more confidence and less worry.

It’s a transformative book, with insights on every page and an inspiring message of optimism and hope.
White woman with brunette, chest length, straight hair and bangs smiling and looking directly into camera wearing a black tank top and a gold necklace. Photographed from the waist up. Photo credit: Alexis Dickey.
White woman with brunette, chest length, straight hair and bangs smiling and looking directly into camera wearing a black tank top and a gold necklace. Photographed from the waist up. Photo credit: Alexis Dickey.

About the author

Allison Raskin is a New York Times bestselling author. She is also the cohost of the popular podcast Just Between Us and cocreator of a YouTube channel by the same name. Allison has written and developed multiple TV shows and created the original scripted podcast Gossip. A vocal mental health advocate, Allison also runs the mental health–focused Instagram account @emotionalsupportlady.


1) Any disabled person in the US is eligible for this giveaway. You do not need to disclose any details about your disability.

If you already received a book from one of my previous giveaways, please consider letting other people have a chance.

2) The first 5 people will receive a paperback. If you do not receive a reply that means the books have been claimed or you did not include all the required information.

3) Send an email to DisabilityVisibilityProject@gmail.com with ‘Allison Raskin Book Giveaway’ in the title of the message. Do not reply to this post!!

4) Include the following information in your message:

  • First and last name
  • Mailing address

Please note: I will send this information along with your email address to the publisher. They are responsible for confirming your details and sending you the book. I have no idea when they will reply so please be patient!