2 min read

once upon a twin

Poems by Raymond Luczak
once upon a twin

Hello Disability Visibility bookworms! Today’s giveaway is from Gallaudet University Press. They are offering 3 copies of Raymond Luczak’s book of poetry, once upon a twin.

Book cover featuring artwork by William Blake. On right side of cover is half of a partially-nude, muscular, white-presenting angel with curly golden hair. He is looking up to the heavens with one arm stretched upwards, palm open. In the background is a grey cloud and an ochre-hued burst of light. White text overlaying the image reads: once upon a twin, poems, raymond luczak. Cover Design by Mona Z. Kraculdy
Book cover featuring artwork by William Blake. On right side of cover is half of a partially-nude, muscular, white-presenting angel with curly golden hair. He is looking up to the heavens with one arm stretched upwards, palm open. In the background is a grey cloud and an ochre-hued burst of light. White text overlaying the image reads: once upon a twin, poems, raymond luczak. Cover Design by Mona Z. Kraculdy

From the publisher

When Raymond Luczak was growing up deaf in a hearing Catholic family of nine children, his mother shared conflicting stories about having had a miscarriage after—or possibly around—the time he was conceived. As an elegy to his lost twin, this book asks: If he had a twin, just how different would his life have been?

About the author

Raymond Luczak is the author and editor of more than twenty books, including Flannelwood: A Novel, QDA: A Queer Disability Anthology, and Compassion, Michigan: The Ironwood Stories. An inaugural Zoeglossia Fellow and an eleven-time Pushcart Prize nominee, he lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


1) Any disabled person in the US is eligible for this giveaway. You do not need to disclose any details about your disability.

If you already received a book from one of my previous giveaways, please consider letting other people have a chance.

2) The first 3 people will receive a paperback or e-book. If you do not receive a reply that means the books have been claimed or you did not include all the required information.

3) Send an email to DisabilityVisibilityProject@gmail.com with ‘Book Giveaway’ in the title of the message. Do not reply to this post!!

4) Include the following information in your message:

  • First and last name
  • Mailing address
  • Preferred format (one only): Paperback or e-book

Please note: I will send this information along with your email address to the publisher. They are responsible for confirming your details and sending you the book.