On creativity and recovery

Last summer I wrote about several major medical crises that led to 4 weeks in the intensive care unit. Months later, my recovery has been slow, difficult, and frustrating. Healing is not a linear process! And yet…I feel such a rush of creativity and the urge to tell my story. Being so intimate with suffering and death will do that to you I guess. Here are six recent published stories by me covering different aspects of where I am right now. I think of these pieces as an epilogue to my memoir, Year of the Tiger: An Activist’s Life, since SO much has changed since the writing of the book. Enjoy!
Constant Cravings: Life With a Feeding Tube, Eater
California’s power outages are a life-and-death issue, High Country News
Alice Wong on Hospitalization, Crowdfunding Medical Care, and Finding Love In Community, Teen Vogue
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