3 min read

New anthology by Alice Wong

New anthology by Alice Wong
A graphic with a purple background with a floral print. In the center with a light beige background with a red flower on top, green leaves on both sides, underneath that flower is a purple one and right next to the purple is an orange flower. Under the purple and orange flowers are stems. Overlaid on top of the flowers in black bold letters: Disability Intimacy Essays on Love, Care, and Desire Edited by Alice Wong, Editor of Disability Visibility. Book cover by Madeline Partner. 

This spring and summer has been a blur with the publication of my latest anthology, Disability Intimacy: Essays on Love, Care, and Desire, various online book events, and other health stuff that forced me to rest and pause a lot of activities. I also have a few weeks ahead of me that are open which is absolutely delightful. On one hand it's a pain in the ass when unruly disabled bodies upend daily life and on the other it's been great to have a lot of down time. I wanted to try watercolor painting for a while and may start dabbling. What are some hobbies you wanted to try but put off for a long time? I hope you all are finding joy in the big and small things.

I'm happy to offer 5 paperback copies of Disability Intimacy to you beautiful subscribers! Details below.

BTW, it's official! I signed a contract for my next anthology, DISABILITY VULNERABILITY, to be published by Vintage Books in spring 2026. If you told me ten years ago that I would become an editor and author I would find it hard to believe. Many thanks to my agent Julia Kardon of HG Literary and my editor Anna Kaufman. I'm really excited to work on this one which will be the final anthology in a trilogy including DISABILITY VISIBILITY (2020) and DISABILITY INTIMACY (2024).

Check my website and this newsletter for updates.

Here's to making our dreams come true!

A graphic with a purple background with a floral print. In the center with a light beige background with a red flower on top, green leaves on both sides, underneath that flower is a purple one and right next to the purple is an orange flower. Under the purple and orange flowers are stems. Overlaid on top of the flowers in black bold letters: Disability Intimacy Essays on Love, Care, and Desire Edited by Alice Wong, Editor of Disability Visibility. Book cover by Madeline Partner. 

About the book

What is intimacy? More than sex, more than romantic love, the pieces in this stunning and illuminating new anthology offer broader and more inclusive definitions of what it can mean to be intimate with another person. Explorations of caregiving, community, access, and friendship offer us alternative ways of thinking about the connections we form with others—a vital reimagining in an era when forced physical distance is at times a necessary norm. 

But don’t worry: there’s still sex to consider—and the numerous ways sexual liberation intersects with disability justice. Plunge between these pages and you’ll also find disabled sexual discovery, disabled love stories, and disabled joy. These twenty-five stunning original pieces—plus other modern classics on the subject, all carefully curated by acclaimed activist Alice Wong—include essays, photo essays, poetry, drama, and erotica: a full spectrum of the dreams, fantasies, and deeply personal realities of a wide range of beautiful bodies and minds. Disability Intimacy will free your thinking, invigorate your spirit, and delight your desires.

About the editor

Alice Wong (she/her) is a disabled activist, writer, editor, and community organizer. She is the founde of the Disability Visibility Project, an online community dedicated to creating, sharing, and amplifying disability media and culture. Alice is the editor of Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century, an anthology of essays by disabled people and Disability Visibility: 17 First-Person Stories for Today, an adapted version for young adults. Her debut memoir, Year of the Tiger: An Activist’s Life was published in 2022. Her latest anthology, Disability Intimacy: Essays on Love, Care, and Desire is available now. 


1) Any disabled person in the US is eligible to receive a paperback. You do not need to disclose any details about your disability.

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