Hello friends!
I hope you are all staying as safe and healthy as possible during the pandemic. It is a very weird time to come out with a book but I hope the anthology will bring some joy and comfort. In the coming weeks before the June 30th publication date, I’ll post some exciting tidbits about DISABILITY VISIBILITY.
On April 3, 2020, Alex Green wrote an article in Publishers Weekly that featured books by Judith Heumann, Jaipreet Virdi, David Egan, and me, “New Works by Writers with Disabilities Hit Publisher Lists.”
“...diversity is the underpinning of the 37 personal accounts in Alice Wong’s anthology Disability Visibility: First Person Stories from the 21st Century (Vintage, June). Wong, the founder of the Disability Visibility Project and a cofounder of the voting rights movement #CripTheVote, was born with a neuromuscular disability and has made it a mission to connect the diverse voices of disabled people who appear in the anthology and project them into public conversation.”
Check out these books by Heumann, Virdi, and Egan and order or pre-order them if you have the means!!
If you want to find out more about the book including the names of the contributors and other advance praise, go to my website.
Get your social distancing on!
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