2 min read

Failure to Comply

Failure to Comply
Stark white cover text reads ‘Failure to Comply / a novel / by Cavar’ against a black background. Down the center of the cover, red and blue wires tangle and twist. Book cover by Zach Dodson

To comply is to conform and perform. I think about compliance as a patient a lot since I experienced some pretty horrible medical ableism while in the hospital throughout my life. On that note, I'm excited to offer 5 print and 5 e-book copies of Failure to Comply: A Novel by Cavar available now from Featherproof Books. You can also read an excerpt and download a printable mini book from the publisher's website. Details below.

Stark white cover text reads ‘Failure to Comply / a novel / by Cavar’ against a black background. Down the center of the

About the book

Cavar's Failure to Comply is an abolitionist text concerned with trans, disabled, and Mad liberation as a speculative art…
Every story has its fugitives. “I,” a deviant self-hacker with three arms, two stomachs, and no name, is on the run from RSCH, a high-tech, authoritarian government that mandates wellness and carves the contours of truth itself. When I is kidnapped at axe-point to be mined for forbidden memories, they must struggle against RSCH’s medical abuse to recapture their history, reunite with their lover, and rewrite their future—or risk remaining Patient forever.
I crosses an epistolary, time-flipped dreamscape as they recollect their memories from RSCH’s hungry archive, and, in the process, write the story of their liberation.
Cavar, a genderless white person with a shaved head, glasses, and facial piercings, smiles slightly at the camera. They are surrounded by tree branches, and are wearing a red mock-neck shirt and tan vest.

About the author

Cavar is a transMad writer-about-town, author of five chapbooks, and editor-in-chief of manywor(l)ds.place. They are a PhD candidate in cultural studies and science & technology studies at the University of California, Davis, where they’re working on a dissertation about anti-psychiatry, gender anarchism, and identificatory self-determination on the internet.
You can find Cavar teaching bicoastally, as well as in publications such as The Rumpus, Kairos, Split Lip Magazine, Electric Lit, and Disability Studies Quarterly. They might also be at their local library.


1) Any disabled person in the US is eligible to receive a paperback. Anyone from the world is eligible to receive an ebook. You do not need to disclose any details about your disability.

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2) If you do not receive a reply that means the books have been claimed or you did not include all the required information.

3) Send an email to DisabilityVisibilityProject@gmail.com with 'Cavar Giveaway’ in the title of the message. Do not reply to this post!!

4) Include the following information in your message:

  • First and last name
  • Mailing address

Please note: I will send this information along with your email address to the publisher. They are responsible for confirming your details and sending you the book. Please be patient!