Book giveaway: Supremely Tiny Acts

December is upon us! This is a great time to support writers by ordering their books from your local independent bookseller or pre-ordering their upcoming work. Supply chains are wreaking havoc this holiday season and hopefully this can be a time to just sloooooow down and chill. I’m excited to share this memoir by Sonya Huber, Supremely Tiny Acts: A Memoir of a Day. It is available now from The Ohio State University Press and I will be giving away 5 copies in paperback or PDF.

Description of the book from
"I think we have to get to the real, to catch the facts we have, to hold on to what we see. . . .in this time where lies are currency," Sonya Huber writes in her book-length essay Supremely Tiny Acts: A Memoir of a Day. On the theory that naming the truths of quotidian experience can counter the dangerous power of lies, she carefully recounts two anxiety-fueled days one fall. On the first, she is arrested as part of a climate protest in Times Square. On the other, she must make it to her court appearance while also finding time to take her son to get his learner's permit. Paying equal attention to minor details, passing thoughts, and larger political concerns around activism and parenting in the Trump-era United States, Huber asks: How can one simultaneously be a good mother, a good worker, and a good citizen? As she reflects on the meaning of protest and on whiteness and other forms of privilege within political activism, Huber offers a wry, self-aware, and stirring testament to the everyday as a seedbed for meaningful change.

Sonya Huber is the author of the award-winning essay collection on chronic pain, Pain Woman Takes Your Keys and Other Essays from a Nervous System, as well as Opa Nobody and Cover Me: A Health Insurance Memoir.
1) Any disabled person in the US or Canada is eligible for this giveaway. You do not need to disclose any details about your disability. Please note it may take 1-2 months for the book to arrive due to shipping delays.
If you already received a book from one of my previous giveaways, please consider letting other people have a chance.
2) The first 5 people will receive a paperback or PDF. If you do not receive a reply that means the books have been claimed or you did not include all the required information.
3) Send an email to with ‘Book Giveaway’ in the title of the message. Do not reply to this post!!
4) Include the following information in your message:
- First and last name
- Mailing address
- Preferred format (pick one only): paperback or PDF
Please note: I will send this information along with your email address to the publisher. They are responsible for confirming your details and sending you the book.
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