3 min read

3 online events on the life and work of Fannie Lou Hamer

Spotlight on Dr. Keisha N. Blain's new book Until I Am Free
3 online events on the life and work of Fannie Lou Hamer

Today’s newsletter isn’t for a book giveaway BUT these three events that I co-organized with the Disability & Intersectionality Summit will have giveaways of Dr. Keisha N. Blain’s new book Until I Am Free: Fannie Lou Hamer's Enduring Message to America, available now from Beacon Press. All events are free and online and will have ASL and CART. The events will be recorded and uploaded to the Disability & Intersectionality YouTube channel later this year. Please share!

November 3, 5-6 pm Eastern

Andraéa LaVant in conversation with Dr. Keisha Blain

Fannie Lou Hamer is an icon to many and is best known for her activism during the Civil Rights movement, community organizing and rallying around women’s rights issues. What is traditionally left out of Hamer’s narrative is her disability identity and the intersections of her experiences as a Black disabled woman. The Disability Intersectionality Summit and the Disability Visibility Project are proud to present Andraéa LaVant, President and Chief Inclusion Consultant of LaVant Consulting in conversation with Dr. Keisha Blain about her new book, Until I Am Free: Fannie Lou Hamer's Enduring Message to America. In this conversation, these two fierce leaders will discuss themes of Black womanhood, historical legacy, and disability as a social justice issue.

Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/andraea-lavant-in-conversation-with-dr-keisha-blain-tickets-191161939507

Event poster. Text reads “Andraea LaVant in conversation with Dr. Keisha Blain. November 3rd, 2021, 5:00-6:00pm EST. Live captioning & ASL.” Below are headshots of Andraea LaVant, a Black woman seated in a motorized wheelchair wearing cateye glasses, and Dr. Blain, a Black woman wearing black framed rectangular glasses. Centered is the cover for the book “Until I Am Free”, featuring a photo of Fannie Lou Hamer.
Event poster. Text reads “Andraea LaVant in conversation with Dr. Keisha Blain. November 3rd, 2021, 5:00-6:00pm EST. Live captioning & ASL.” Below are headshots of Andraea LaVant, a Black woman seated in a motorized wheelchair wearing cateye glasses, and Dr. Blain, a Black woman wearing black framed rectangular glasses. Centered is the cover for the book “Until I Am Free”, featuring a photo of Fannie Lou Hamer.

November 13, 7-8 pm Eastern

The second conversation in a 3-part series on the life and work of Fannie Lou Hamer inspired by Dr. Keisha Blain’s new book, Until I Am Free: Fannie Lou Hamer's Enduring Message to America, moderated by Vilissa Thompson in conversation with Heather Watkins, Dr. Angel Miles and Dr. Sami Schalk.

Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/until-we-are-free-conversation-with-vilissa-thompson-tickets-191173323557

Event poster. Text reads “Until We Are Free: A Conversation with Vilissa Thompson, featuring Heather Watkins, Dr. Sami Schalk, and Dr. Angel Miles. November 13 2021, 7:00-8:00pm EST. Live captioning & ASL.” Surrounding are headshots of the above mentioned, all of whom are Black women with disabilities.
Event poster. Text reads “Until We Are Free: A Conversation with Vilissa Thompson, featuring Heather Watkins, Dr. Sami Schalk, and Dr. Angel Miles. November 13 2021, 7:00-8:00pm EST. Live captioning & ASL.” Surrounding are headshots of the above mentioned, all of whom are Black women with disabilities.

December 9, 7-8 pm Eastern

The final conversation in a 3-part series on the life and work of Fannie Lou Hamer inspired by Dr. Keisha Blain’s new book, Until I Am Free: Fannie Lou Hamer's Enduring Message to America, moderated by Yomi Wrong in conversation with Reyma McCoy McDeid, Azza Altiraifi, and Claudia Alick.

Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/until-we-are-free-conversation-with-yomi-wrong-tickets-191175048717

Text reads “Until We Are Free: A Conversation with Yomi wrong, featuring Claudia Alick, Reyma McCoy-McDeid, and Azza Altiraifi. December 9th 2021, 7:00-8:00pm EST. Live captioning & ASL.” Surrounding are headshots of the above mentioned, all of whom are Black women with disabilities.
Text reads “Until We Are Free: A Conversation with Yomi wrong, featuring Claudia Alick, Reyma McCoy-McDeid, and Azza Altiraifi. December 9th 2021, 7:00-8:00pm EST. Live captioning & ASL.” Surrounding are headshots of the above mentioned, all of whom are Black women with disabilities.